Casper is a kind young ghost who peacefully haunts a mansion in Maine. When specialist James Harvey arrives to communicate with Casper and his fellow...
In this comedy, two women head for Reno to get simultaneous quicky divorces and end up becoming friends. Edie was married years ago, but her husband...
Edie & Pen
Cab driver Stan slams into a homeless man who gets up and walks away, leaving behind a scarf covered with writhing maggots. Obsessed with the...
Urban Decay
The warden of a small, rundown, minimum-security prison plots revenge against the the prison's dishonest owner by having four inmates break out and...
Back By Midnight
To help his actress girlfriend regain her confidence a Hollywood bigshot bankrolls a small budget film being made by a first-time producer and...
Strangers Kiss
Soul's Midnight is a present day vampire horror based on a historic cult who delves into ancient rituals revolving around the legend of St. George....
Soul's Midnight
Camp Sasquatch will be bought out and closed unless owner Coach Giddy wins the boxing competition scheduled for the end of the summer. Tough city...
Meatballs: Part II
A restaurant owner falls in love with an opera singer and, desperate to impress her, travels to Italy to learn how to sing.
The 4th Tenor