Spanish silent based on the novel by the same name. The story begins in the early nineteenth century in a small town of Granada, after the death of...
Curro Vargas
In a Cordovan farmhouse, Soledad arouses a passion in two men, which will be cause of misfortune for both when the boyfriend of the protagonist in a...
The Count of Maravillas receives an unusual proposal from a masked woman: to kidnap the valido of King Carlos IV.
El conde de Maravillas
Luis Candelas, the mythical bandit, just and generous, comes to the aid of a nobleman who saved his life. Adventure film directed by José...
Luis Candelas' Odd Adventure
A hopeless fool tries to impress a lady by becoming a bullfighter.
Rosario, la cortijera
Stain that Cleans
A young woman and her father change the name of their inn to Hollywood. Seven filmmakers try to convince the owner to finance their projects.
Al Hollywood madrileño
The bandit El Tempranillo falls in love with a gypsy and the daughter of the Mayor of Seville.
The Reeve's Daughter
Alma rifeña
La inaccesible
El gordo de Navidad
La copla andaluza
El tren, o La pastora que supo amar
La reina mora
La señorita inútil
In Madrid, Spain, Susana's flirtations with the old apothecary Don Hilarión arouse the jealousy of Julián, Susana's boyfriend.
La verbena de la paloma
Víctima del odio
Madrid's Rogue
Students and Seamstresses