Durgeshnandini is a sweeping historical drama set against the backdrop of 16th-century India. This epic tale follows the intertwined destinies of...
In post-partition Bengal, a clash of cultures between neighbors ignites a turbulent yet tender tale of rivalry, love, and unexpected alliances.
Ora Thakey Odharey
Two brothers, Utpal (elder) and Kamal (younger), love each other. They have both seen hard times since their childhood because their parents died...
Dui Bhai
A 1947 Bengali Film directed by Premendra Mitra.
Natun Khabar
‘Joradighir Choudhury Paribar’ is the story of landlords, their ego, love and revenge. Despite ancestral differences, the Choudhury...
Joradighir Chowdhury Paribar
Heeru, Naren, and Chandranath were friends. From his college days, Chandranath had been aspiring and ambitious. He is also a man of strict principles...
Ajay is a musician by hobby and also runs a business. His younger brother Arun wants to become a doctor. After his mother’s death, Ajay becomes...
Haralal arranges a fake will and makes Rohini, an orphaned widow, agree to change the original will for the fake one.
Krishnakanter Will
King Uttampad has shortage of nothing but he has no child. His devotee wife Suniti Devi worships Vishnu. Suniti herself arranged another marriage for...
Lord Krishna visits Suryapith with his friend Akrur, where they meet Satyabhama, the daughter of Satrajeet. Akrur proposes to Satyabhama, but she...
Nara Narayana
A 1939 Bengali Mythological Film directed by Phani Burma.
Janak Nandini