Nine visions of horror conceived and curated entirely on the popular social media platform Clubhouse, Sinphony features a group of international...
Sinphony: A Clubhouse Horror Anthology
Davis is a popular, good-looking, and charmed young man until he is accused of a despicable act. He is thrust into a world where nothing is certain....
Butterfly Short
Winterfilm X Festival (2023) official submission for the festivals 10th anniversary, using a Prop (mechanical pencil) and Theme (percentage) given by...
As i Believe The World To Be
Molly Hendricks' normal, quiet life is interrupted when she receives a visit from her lawyer, informing her that she is about to be inducted into the...
Hall Of Famer
A horror film from director Thomas Angeletti
Friends Forever
When the bride and the groom go missing on the day of the wedding, the stressed-out mother of the bride recruits the best man, who is running late to...
The First Look
An Award Winning Supernatural/Drama Indie Short Film
Let Me Go