A rainbow-colored tornado takes Haruto and Koyomi to an alternate reality called "Magic Land". There, its residents never developed science. Instead...
Kamen Rider Wizard in Magic Land
"Hatsune Miku Live Party 2012 (MikuPa)" was held at Tokyo Dome City Hall on March 8, 2012. It was accompanied by the "Saigo no Miku no Hi Kanshasai"...
Hatsune Miku Live Party 2012 (Mikupa)/Tokyo
Ultraman Nexus EX: Shiori - Lost Memories -
"HATSUNE MIKU EXPO" began as a comprehensive event that promotes the creative culture surrounding Hatsune Miku to the world, attracting 15,000...
Hatsune Miku: Miku Expo 2015 New York