The film follows a young girl “Yasmin Abdel Aziz” who is searching for a husband, due to her constant loneliness and feelings of...
Martial Marriage
Ali is an artist, a poet, and a sailor who loves life, with a gypsy demeanor. He carries his lover Layali on the wings of his madness. They live...
Kan Youm Hobak
After a long stay in Kuwait, (Saif) decides to return to Egypt to settle and start establishing a chain of pharmacies. In the midst of his work, he...
When Khaled and Ahmed are unable to find a job, they decide to run a scam on elderly female tourists to get their money in Hurghada. But when they...
First Year of Deception
A famous singer who has fans who miss her after she voluntarily retired from singing a while ago when she felt that she had reached the pinnacle and...
The Time Is Here
The film follows several separate stories, which are all connected by a young lawyer who re-opens some cases in which a final judgment was thrown,...
Memory Card
Four men are on a special operation that they have to do their best to complete successfully, as secrets about their lives gradually unfold.
Special Operations
An introverted, shy young man struggles to find his place in society while dealing with its people and his surroundings, until an accident turns his...
A Horrible Grandpa