This sequel to "Happiness is a Four-Letter Word" finds Zaza, Princess and Zim living new chapters of their lives amid loss, family grudges and new...
Happiness Ever After
Perfectionist Nandi seems to have the New South African Dream life within her grasp, black female partner in a major firm, marriage, the perfect...
Happiness Is a Four-Letter Word
A talented young woman from a rural village travels to the "Big City" of Johannesburg, South Africa to become a Star. She lands a role in a musical...
She Is King
In an attempt to stop rhino poaching, railway chef Sonny Frank and a ten year old boy called Fearless kidnap the ambassador of a South-East Asian...
Frank and Fearless
When the husband of an affluent woman kills himself, she loses the high life and pretty much everything and ends up on the street, days before she...
Red Room
A Grave Confession (2021) is South African award-winning short film written and directed by David Mzomba. It's a twisted psychological thriller...
A Grave Confession