A coming of age drama about two young brothers whose lives are thrown into turmoil when their mother dies suddenly, leaving them to fend for...
The son of a priest slain by the Mau Mau moves in with a police officer and his wife in 1950 Kenya.
The Kitchen Toto
Anthony Bryan and his personal struggle to be accepted as a British Citizen during the Windrush immigration scandal.
Sitting in Limbo
The lives of three lonely strangers in the city interconnect: a blind man with an obsession, a boy who sees the world differently, and a girl who is...
A young boy is bored spending time with his dull grandma until he discovers she's an international Jewel thief.
Gangsta Granny
The true story of a daring prison break. Wycliffe Kato, Director of Civil Aviation in Idi Amin's Uganda was at the airport to catch a flight to...
Escape From Kampala