The American comedian/actor delivers a story about the alternative Hip Hop scene. A small town Ohio mans moves to Brooklyn, New York, to throw an...
Dave Chappelle's Block Party
In the greatest era of hip hop, a 10 year old prodigal son named Chi-Ali was chosen to become the greatest artist hip hop has ever seen. As fame,...
The Fabulous Chi Ali
25 years of contempt, controversy, and conspiracy all lead to the same single question: who killed Biggie and Tupac? Now, with exclusive interviews...
Who Killed Biggie and Tupac?
Three gangsters vie for control of the streets of Philadelphia.
State Property: Blood on the Streets
Paper Soldiers follows an overeager burglar named Shawn (Kevin Hart) through the ups and downs of his short, stressful career.
Paper Soldiers
His rhymes caught the attention of millions. His flow is un-matched by any. His story is captivating and triumphant. "Big Pun: The Legacy" chronicles...
Big Pun: The Legacy
Christopher Wallace, AKA The Notorious B.I.G., remains one of Hip-Hop’s icons, renowned for his distinctive flow and autobiographical lyrics....
Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell