Like any other teenage girl, Tara is just surviving high school — yet her father and mother seem strangely distant. Amidst a nearby spree of...
The Inhabitant
Salt-of-the-earth Cole falls head over heels for enigmatic Sadie—but then makes the shocking discovery that she's a secret agent. Before they...
Jealous of her best friend's pregnancy, Lainy begins to wear a false pregnant belly - and accidentally gets to meet the man of her dreams.
Kinda Pregnant
A 16 year old girl goes missing after an online relationship with an older man.
16 and Missing
When a woman's teenage daughter becomes internet famous, she becomes worried about the amount of attention her daughter is receiving. Her fears prove...
It's Senior year at East Great Falls. Annie, Kayla, Michelle, and Stephanie decide to harness their girl power and band together to get what they...
American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules