Viktor, the protagonist, a war hero of the war between the Red Army and the Turkish 'basmachi', has to fight off bandits that hope to steal gold from...
Meeting at the Old Mosque
In this heavyhanded political allegory, set in the plains and mountains of Central Asia, a tribe of people led by the fanatical Mavrut (Vladimir...
The Sand-Storm
About how Soviet border guards managed to detect and neutralize foreign intelligence agents.
I Am The Border
Story of a Tajik cart driver.
Hasan Arbakesh
Biographical movie about a 9th century Persian poet, Rudaqi.
A Poet's Fate
College student goes to practice on a real hydrogeological expedition.
When Roses Bloom
Inspired by the epic poem "Shahnameh" by Ferdowsi. It tells the story of Zahhak, the ruler of the Kingdom of Snakes, who, through cunning and...
The Blacksmith's Banner
Colorful musical comedy about the love of beauty Gulnora and singer from Azerbaijan Rustam.
Groom and Bride