Adapted from a popular 'three dime novel' the story revolves around two down-and-out buddies, one streetwise and quick-witted the other naïve...
My Intimate Partner
Inside a café, on Christmas Eve. Chim Kei meets an enigmatic woman named Mimi Wong who introduces herself as the daughter of an upper-crust...
Winter Love
Working as a telephone operator on the nightshift, David Lau received some calls from a woman for a David and agrees to a blind date. Wearing a...
The Violet Girl
Poor teacher Chan Chi-hong, his wife Lee Yuk-mei and their five children survive on his meagre pay. When he is laid off by two schools in a row, the...
The Great Devotion
Lawyer Fan Kam-man believes that his wife Chun Yuen-yung perished in a plane crash three years ago and walks down the aisle again with Yan Bik-kei....
Secret of a Husband
Orphan Lee Dan-hung is made a scapegoat by her cousin Chor Kwai-ping. Facing drug trafficking charges, Lee is released on parole with the doctor To...
Love Never Fades
Gangster Pang Tin-tak runs an underground casino operated under the guise of the Blue Nightclub. The fearless and cagey Fung Kim-ching and the adept...
Man from Interpol
Hong Kong thriller.
Frightful Honeymoon
HK horror film.
The Ghost Chasers
A Mad Woman
Two orphan boys indulge in petty theft after the war. One, Chow, is caught but gets adopted by a policeman. He turns out a solid young citizen. Lee,...
A Go-Go Teenager
The creative person torn between ideals and reality is one of Chor Yuen's favourite characters in his 1960s films. Another favourite subject is the...
Rose in Tears
Forever Beloved
Ching Ming Festival
A young woman returns home from a funeral and becomes embroiled in murder, missing money, a drug syndicate, a police investigation and a mysterious...
A Deadly Night
See http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/fp/en_US/web/fpo/programmes/2011mm/film82.html
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