Lady Ninja Kasumi 9
The story revolves around a man named Takuma who works under the legendary samurai Sanada Yukimura teaching a secret technique called...
Lady Ninja Kasumi 6: Yukimura Assasination
The Kuroda clan is said to be in possession of a secret scroll. Legend has it that whoever can decode the scroll will rule the country. Using her...
Lady Ninja Kasumi 3: Secret Skills
Marine, who’s loved to fantasize since she was young, is now a student and a popular erotic comic writer. Her happiest moment is when she goes...
Erotic Comic Girl
Marine aiming for idle started a byte with a maid cafe in Akihabara. At that lolita face she quickly becomes number one, but senior Meg who was...
Bishōjo kafe okaerinasai goshujin-sama