Diane is a mysterious and lonely teenager. Sharing special bonds with her father Christian, she takes care of the education of her brother Marc. The...
Louis is a twelve year old boy who lives with his parents and older brother in southern Morocco. Louis is very happy until the day his father shares...
Angel at Sea
Brothers Danny and Zak, ages 15 and 13 ¾, are spending the summer in their deceased grandfather's house, waiting in vain for their mother, who...
The Giants
Philippe works as a Judge at the criminal court. He has a complicated relationship with his son Hugues. One night Hugues commits a deadly hit and run...
Orphaned siblings Adrien (17) and Jules (16) decide to go back to the house in France where they once grew up with their parents, to see how...
Tsjernobyl Hearts
The human being is a sick animal; its natural impulses and drive for self-development have been imprisoned by reason and culture. Lou and Martin, two...
Eau Zoo
This is the story of two childhood friends - Lucas (a 16-year-old high-schooler) and Bert (a mechanic’s apprentice) - who flee the suffocating...
Welcome Home
Seventeen-year-old Tatiana skips school with her friends in order to say goodbye to a boy whom she is unwilling to part with.