This animated short by Claude Cloutier is a pictorial account of an attack on Canadian soldiers during WWI. On the edge of the battlefield, recruits...
The Trenches
A dramatization of the Montreal Massacre of 1989 where several female engineering students were murdered by an unstable misogynist.
The film spans from Hepburn's early childhood to the 1950s which details her life as a Dutch ballerina, coming to grips with her parents' divorce,...
The Audrey Hepburn Story
Forced to leave Syria because of the war, Dounia and her grandparents go in search of a new safe haven. As she traverses the world in search of...
Dounia and the Princess of Aleppo
In the futuristic city of Nouveau San Francisco, a hard-boiled hero "the Viper" and his rage fuelled pet partner "Kitty", will attempt to stop an...
Kitty & the Viper