The impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of...
The Tree of Life
Wild and unpredictable events shake up the life of Aaron, who, before being stung by a scorpion and kidnapped, was a simple wage slave. Now, he's...
Aaron… Albeit a Sex Hero
Denis went into the office Friday morning. Ten minutes later he was fired and his entire world changed. As a man in mid-life crisis, he believed...
Abrupt Decision
Two graffiti artists break into an abandoned, reportedly haunted research facility in hopes of creating an art installation, but stumble upon a...
Soft Matter
Brother and sister Steven (Joseph Rene) and Samantha (Marci Journey) have had to make many sacrifices to survive while taking care of their dying...
Davis Farm