One day, Mio (Yume Nikaido) learns that her older sister, Tetsuko (Moe Tenshi), has been using the "Hadaka-ken" technique to protect the family home...
Naked Fist Omega
Itoda-gumi was excommunicated from the Mishima-gumi, but the situation changed completely when Ando (Hitoshi Ozawa) was welcomed as a wakagashira. He...
Don's Road Season 2 Vol.2
Saya Tachibana, who attends a beauty school, wakes up in an iron like a drum can. She has someone else's mobile phone and flashlight by her side, and...
Drum Limit
There is a "school" that abducts and confines girls to re-educate them as sex slaves. Kyoko, a bad schoolgirl, was caught by a witch and turned into...
Missing 55
Kyoko was the only one who succeeded in escaping the "school", but an unknown virus was injected into her body that will kill her if left untreated....
Missing 55 Final Break
A side story from the popular knight series Unification of Japan, centered on Yuto Tamura, played by Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi. The situation becomes more...
Unification of Japan Gaiden: Tamura Yuto
Ninagawa is a powerful man in Japanese politics and with top economic connections.His granddaughter is then murdered. The suspect is Kunihide...
Shield of Straw
A man hunts girls who got lost in the jungle. When the news broke about one of the dead brutally murdered, a group of special forces is assigned to...
Man Hunting: Redemption