Deep in the coast mountains of BC, a small crew of filmmakers has spent the last eleven months huddled together, planning, scheming and...
Follow Me
Seasons is a film that follows seven of the worlds top mountain bikers through the course of four seasons of one year - The film explores what it...
The Collective is a group of filmmakers photographers and mountain bikers - Drawing on the experience expertise and creative energy of every member...
The Collective
Roam is a 16mm Mountain Bike film from the Collective. The most anticipated Mountain Bike movie in history - starring: Andrew Shandro, Wade Simmons,...
We live for the pursuit of the unknown. The anticipation of what the future holds. The untapped potential of what lies ahead. The finish line is only...
From the Inside Out
Viewed at a distance, the world of mountain biking is a disjointed network of seemingly similar but disconnected communities. Freeride. Downhill. Big...
Strength in Numbers
'MOTIVE' is a freeride mountain bike film by Mind spark Cinema and The Coastal Crew, filmed across BC and California, combining progressive riding...