A true semi-documentary drama depicting a record of a sheriff's challenge to the vivid evil of a sailor who embarked on a single underworld to...
Flesh Smuggling
The action of this historical drama takes place against the background of poverty and hunger in the city of Edo and depicts young people rebelling...
Small Rats of the Edo Town
1956 Japanese film, originally released in three parts.
Japanese "kayo" film centered around the song "Anko naze naku" by Takeo Fujishima.
Why Cry
Japanese "kayo" film centered around the song "Wakai omawari-san" by Shiro Sone.
Kingorô no omawari-san
A conflict between two yakuza families in Tokyo, the Izus and the Yoshidas, has recently broken out. When an Izu underling starts a fight with a...
Song of the Underworld
1958 Japanese movie
Tōkyō no basugāru
甲武信嶽傳奇 人肌地獄