The story revolves around (Magdy), who gets to know the poor girl (Yasmine), who claims to be rich even though she works as a novice actress in one...
Days Journey
The famous star Siham attends a theatrical performance, where she meets the actor Saeed, and they fall in love and marry. Siham pushes him to the...
Star Maker
Egyptian Adaption Of the great play "King lear" by William Shakespeare.
The Cursed
Ahmed opens a law office in one of the local neighborhoods, he gets involved with the wealthy neighbor, Awatif, who frames him in an embezzlement...
A Woman Deceived Me
The film revolves around the family of Mr. Ahmed Abdel-Gawad through his second and third generations, which consists of Yassin and Kamal the younger...
Al Sokkareya
The film's events revolve around a family consisting of seven children, and the work discusses the problems of each son, such as Nabila, whose...
The Grandson
Khamis and his brother Khalil poison their father to get rid of him, after he threatens to write his fortune to his new born son Hamada, who he had...
Who is he in society?
Hamed leaves his hometown and goes to Cairo to work as a gatekeeper in a building. He marries Fathia, who comes to live with him in Cairo. Fathia...
The Name Caller
"Behind the Sun" clearly identifies the time identity of his film. It follows the horrific military defeat of June 1967, when a senior military...
Waraa Al-Shams
Four thieves robbed a house and stole his wealth and killed the owner of the house, his wife and daughter and set fire to the house, but (Ahmed) was...
Al Abtaal
A being from a different plane decides to come down on earth to see how human beings are living; over there he meets a evil man who try to manipulate...
Sin of an Angel
When Ali and Mona's car breaks down en route to a party, the couple seek the nearest house to make an emergency call, only to find that they've...
The film deals with the story of the Khazraj and the Aws and the relations and wars between them and the Jews, and the Jews’ attempts to deal...
Sahm Allah