Based on the story "Baggy Clothes" by the writer Sh. Gaadamba, the reporter and herdsman Sevjidmaa, who is trying to spread the progress of the...
Baggy Clothes
The events of Tanker Jargal and Cavalryman Tsend show that every citizen must fight against a foreign enemy for the independence of his country....
The Cavalry
A strange film as beautifully jumbled as the political environment out of which it sprang, like a handsome weed, "Son of Mongolia" is a travelogue of...
Son of Mongolia
The film tells about the founder of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, the leader of the Mongolian People's Revolution - Damdin Sukhe-Bator.
His Name Is Sukhe-Bator
This film revolves around Choghtu Khong Tayiji, a 17th century Mongolian prince who waged a campaign of independence against Tibetan and Manchu...
Mighty Prince
The evolution of Chimed, the main character, is shown by the evolution of a servant man who was enslaved by foreign merchants and scorned by local...
One Among Many: Episode 1
This film shows that success can be achieved by applying the theoretical knowledge taught in the classroom to practical life, and shows that people...
The First Steps
The image of the Mongolian countryside, the struggle for freedom, and the changes in the minds of the people of the new social relations are...
The Clear Tamir: Episode 1
The Clear Tamir: Episode 2
The Clear Tamir: Episode 3
A history and revolution-themed film depicting how the people's party led by D. Sukhbaatar centered the newly established state, overcame the morals...
The Battle
One Among Many: Episode 2
In the years after the People's Revolution, hundreds of temples were scattered in rural areas, and folk schools were established to teach literacy to...
A Tree That Sprouted in Autumn
After Russian troops’ departure, many street children survive in the capital city’s empty houses. Two of them, Tuguldur and Enkhee, are...
It shows the state of Mongolia during the Patriotic War, the thoughts of the people, especially the damage caused by the war to the lives of...
Tamir's Daughter
It shows how the October Revolution affected the hearts of the Mongolian people, and how they defeated the white bandit Baron Ungern at the beginning...
A lyrical film about the love between a young MI-8 pilot and a top fashion model.
In the Direction of the Day Stars
Russia and Mongolian warriors were shouldered through a good man's ways and struggles in a good man's ways of struggles in a good man's ways and...
End of Ambivalence
A 2-part epic film novel based on the historical life of Khatanbaatar Magsarjav, the legendary Mongolian military general who stood out in the...
People's Khatanbaatar