Hanan, a poor Yeshiva student, deeply involved in Kabbalah, learned that his beloved Lea, daughter of the wealthy man of the shtetl, will be given to...
The Dybbuk
Film buff Daniel's life turns cinematic when he discovers an otherworldly video store offering the best movies never made and meets the girl behind...
Impossible Dreams
Five teenagers are hospitalized at the Orot Psychiatric Center. They sleep together, eat together and create a show together. On the mind, of...
Someone like me
Tel Aviv, Summer 1989. Boaz, a beautiful and alluring linguistics student, receives anonymous, male written love letters, that undermine his sexual...
Snails in the Rain
A German girl travels to Israel to help people with disabilities, where she learns a lot about the role of her grandparents in WWII and meets a man...
Hanna's Journey
Oded, a worn-out drug dealer who goes for a routine exchange of packages across the Israeli border, finds out that the person on the other side of...
Yoel, a meticulous historian leading a significant debate against holocaust deniers, discovers that his mother carries a false identity. A mystery...
The Testament
Chronicles of a city. Two homeless women, two local it-girls and one suicidal man on a sunny Tel Aviv morning.
The Sun Rises Down Below
Cyrano has it all - a sharp tongue, a grand military career and a big heart of a poet. So why does he feel unworthy of Roxanne's love? Maybe because...