In the heart of the small shanty town known as Pine Village, lies 1st Street. The area has been earmarked by businessmen for redevelopment with lush...
Miracle on 1st Street
A financially desperate salaryman teams up with his friend to kidnap a rich girl to make a quick buck. But then he gets a call and learns that his...
A Cruel Attendance
Bok-Nam (Park Yoo-Sun) is an elementary school student who feels like she just doesn't fit in. She lives with her family that consists of her...
Last Flashman
When a high school diploma becomes the key to unlocking his inheritance, a spoiled teen gets an invaluable lesson in life and love in a rural village.
A Millionaire's First Love
A young woman gets into male-only prep school.
Snail Gosiwon
As his sexual awareness increases, Gwang-ho no longer likes the scent of his mother, who wears heavy make-up as she sells cosmetics door-to-door....
Bravo, My Life!