A director of a television series on the history of cinema, who has been grappling with the screenplay of his first feature film, receives an...
The Mongols
In this film that sends up the foibles of filmmaking, a standard crew of actors, stage-hands, director, writers, producers, and others are gathered...
Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour être heureux!
"Image Latent" explores the life of Parviz Kimiavi, a key yet underappreciated figure in Iran’s avant-garde and New Wave cinema. The film...
Image Latent
Anthology of short films about the French city of Nice, by various directors. A homage to Jean Vigo and his "À propos de Nice" from 1930.
Concerning Nice
A strange and mischievous documentary on an archeological site in the Qaytarieh hills in Tehran. This short narrates the story of the dead people who...
The Hills of Qaytariyeh
Parviz Kimiavi's student film, a short silent Western
The Last Whisky
An examination of the work and lives of actresses in the Iranian film industry prior to the 1979 revolution, featuring myriad interviews and rare...
Razor's Edge: The Legacy of Iranian Actresses
The final part of the 14-part documentary series which discovers cultural roots and aesthetics of modern Iranian films and the relationship between...
A Season for Cinema: The documentary vision