A series of tragic events unfolds after Chang Chi-Mao's daughter goes missing as an infant. Chang becomes consumed by revenge against a powerful...
Guilt, Crime, and Sin
Since his release from prison, Sweet Potato has been content to run a little business with a meager income by the sea, disregarding the advice of...
Love Is a Gun
Lust, shame, passion, lies and violence - the lives of individuals intertwine in an unyielding web under the red lights of Geylang. A desperate...
I embrace the world with open arms. And the world embraces me all that I have experienced and that which I am yet to experience is what I want to...
My Inner Space
Mystery in the Mist
About Youth
Tien Xiao-Xiang is a fan of author Si-Yi and Tarot cards. But deep down, she has another love, childhood sweetheart Li Zhu-Hao. Just when she sees...
Do You Love Me as I Love You
On the day Taiwan passes its same-sex marriage law, Wen-de’s daughter is at home, celebrating her new engagement to her girlfriend.
Like Father, Like Daughter
Han Yu-jie has been estranged from his father for a long time, but an incident in which a burglar breaks into their home at night forces him to...
On the last day of summer, Fei and his mother cannot stop arguing. Fei finds a cassette tape in his bag since he is asked to record a summer day as...
Side A: A Summer Day