In September 1923, during the so-called 'anti-fascist' uprising, police chief's daughter Kita falls for a student with communist beliefs. Although...
The Boss's Daughters
World War II. Vasil is in serious conflict with the police officer Simeonov and at the same time with his childhood friend and brother by faith - the...
Blood Remains
In the trial against Boris, Lazar is the main witness for the prosecution. The two are the comrades-in-arms. Now they are opponents, because of a...
Differing Opinion
The intelligence officer Emil Boev is tracking a group of drug addicts, who were recruited by a foreign intelligence office. Among them is Boyan, the...
Requiem for a Slut
The Bulgarian intelligence officer Emil Boev is residing in Bern, close to Bulgarian political emigrant Goranov. The Swiss and German women Rosemary...
Typhoons with Gentle Names