The film revolves around a young woman named Nha Trang with both beauty and success, she went to live in a rural outlying hoping to avoid the noise...
Milestones 23
In the heart of Saigon, Thai and Linh are getting married. But the wedding is suddenly cut short when four other brides show up – threatening...
Battle of the Brides
Nguyen Vu is the sole survivor of his family who was executed by the empress of Vietnam. Upon discovering that his family may have been framed for...
Sword of the Assassin
Assigned to protect a small town in Vietnam, Dao arrives to fight against the crime boss; but soon his past catches up with him, threatening to...
Once Upon a Time in Vietnam
Teo, a country bumpkin from a village in Vietnam, goes to Saigon to make a bigger life for himself. He discovers that he bears an uncanny resemblance...
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