The story of love, revenge and friendship between an orphaned protagonist, his teacher and the woman of his dreams, set in an elite classical dance...
Kon Khon
The story of the relationship between the King who is renown for his ruthlessness and his subject who became his trusted steersman. They met when the...
Pantai Norasingh
This is a story about a police officer named Khun Phan in WWII. He is off on an undercover mission to take down a governor at an island which...
Khun Pan
A haunted house, a nightclub fire, a body found in a water tank, and a prison death make up four horror stories pulled from Thailand's newspaper...
When a highly volatile case confronts the police, a young cop with mystical powers is put on the case. He and his team-mate must hunt down and...
The Tiger Blade
During the 16th century, as Thailand contends with both a civil war and Burmese invasion, a beautiful princess rises up to help protect the glory of...
The Legend of Suriyothai