Histeria is a horror film about six female students attending a supposedly haunted school. As part of a prank, they pretend to be hysterical and are...
This psycho thriller follows the story of Lena, who awakens from a coma with a shakey memory and various unanswered questions. This film stars Lisa...
Dendam Orang Mati
A city boy named Ridzuan falls in love with a village girl named Tiqa. But their romance is not as straightforward as it seems.
Lemak Kampung Santan
It is a modern-day adaptation of William Shakespeare's Othello. The film’s title (Malay: "Fine Needle") is derived from a Malay idiom meaning...
Fine Needle
A man born on the leap day of February 29 ages only one year in every four years. Because of this unique trait, he has lived through many historical...
February 29
Kamal and Erin, a couple facing midlife crisis after prolonged lack of real communication, caused by years of failure at trying to have a baby. On...
Latiff, a famous but lonely photographer who was orphaned as a small child, sets out on an expedition to photograph abandoned houses around Malaysia....
The Red Kebaya
The story of the romance between the King of Siam (now Thailand) and the widowed British school teacher Anna Leonowens during the 1860s. Anna teaches...
Anna and the King
In a case that had the nation riveted and human rights organizations the world over up in arms due to a death sentence handed out to the accused,...