In Japan, the vampire-hunter Saya, who is a powerful original, is sent by her liaison with the government, David, posed as a teenage student to the...
Blood: The Last Vampire
Codename: Robotech is an animated pilot that preceded the original 1985 Robotech television series. It is set within the events of the First Robotech...
Codename: Robotech
A sorority house mother enters her girls in a mud-wrestling contest.
Delta Pi
Robotech II: The Sentinels was an attempt to continue the original 1985 Robotech television series. The project was cancelled in 1986. The aborted...
Robotech II: The Sentinels
Lowly theme park mechanic Sam dreams about his childhood sweetheart Sue. With the mistaken belief that only a bling ring can win the girl of his...
The remarkable life story of the pre-war Polish artist Stanislav Szukalski, documented by the American friends he made late in life.
Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski
Episodes of "Elves of the Forest" (1984) dubbed in English and edited together into a short movie by DIC Animation City.
A Christmas Adventure
Feature-length english language translation of the anime series about a male frog of humble origin who befriends a female frog of high social class.
The Brave Frog
Enter a new world as the young frogs of the pond community fight with courage and confidence to live their lives and guide the heartless leopard frog...
Brave Frog's Greatest Adventure