In 1826 New England, the two daughters of a repressed farmer (played by director Colt) secretly fawn over a blonde farmhand. The farmer finds out...
The Devil Inside Her
Timmy, a grown man, still lives as a child with his domineering mother in the backwoods. Traumatized by memories of his parents having sex, he begins...
Unwilling Lovers
Light your black candles and start the chant! Culled from 16mm prints found in Something Weird’s attic, SMUT WITHOUT SMUT: SATANIC HORROR NITE...
Smut Without Smut: Satanic Horror Nite
Many men go in and out of Janice's life, she's used to it. But one of them might take it even further, and if he can't have her, no one will!
The Affairs of Janice