Gunned down in the snowy wilderness and desperate for shelter, Billy Cavanagh is taken in by kooky old lady Agnes, unaware that her isolated log...
Set on the coastal town of Dungeness, skeletons tells the story of Rose, an aging sex line worker, who attempts to escapes a loveless marriage after...
Two ghost hunters are called upon a distressed family who claim they are being tormented by an evil spirit known in their local town as The Candy...
The Candy Witch
A Viking Warrior must step up when a heathen, banished from her village gives up his mortal soul in exchange for the near indestructible form of a...
Scarecrow's Revenge
After Christopher Robin abandons them for college, Pooh and Piglet embark on a bloody rampage as they search for a new source of food.
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey
A trio of ghost hunters set out to find the infamous "Crooked Man" after finding the coordinates on the dark web.
Crooked Man
Chris and Lucy are cut adrift in their thirties struggling to remember what initially attracted them to one another and wondering where do they go...
A fallen MMA fighter must win a netherworld no-holds-barred death tournament against man, beast and demon to save her soul.
A fiction-film told through a female documentarian's lens, as she manipulates the story of an unemployed Polish actress living in London.
My Friend the Polish Girl
A group of gamers are selected to take part in a VR competition where only the fittest will survive.
Virtual Death Match