Model Ball is the serialized story of Jake McBride, "The best softball player in his league," who bets his best friend he can win the league with a...
The Girls of Summer
After terribly gory happenings occur one day in a hidden beach house on the Malibu Shore, it leaves one person crying, one person soaked in blood,...
The Scorned
At an exclusive Hollywood party, Kirby David ends up sleeping with one of the industry's most out of control A-list celebrities, Allison Turner. Soon...
Charlie Cobb's Flash Bash
Brandon Craig is a regular guy who loves split pea soup and happens to be in monogamous relationships with three amazing women: Monique, his photo...
Soup of the Day
Panman is a demon chef with the recipe for murder. As people start to disappear, a custard professor and a few of his students, band together to try...
Ten years ago, Survivor aired its twenty-eighth season, and changed the course of the CBS reality series as we know it. Survivor: Cagayan had...
I Stan Cagayan