Ajith is a 2014 Kannada film directed by Mahesh Babu starring Chiranjeevi Sarja and Nikki Galrani. The movie follows the journey of two strangers, a...
A mentally-challenged father lives in his idyllic world with his daughter, both of them crazy about planes. In his quest to get his daughter that toy...
Pushpaka Vimana
Vascodigama is a 2015 Indian Kannada satirical film written and directed by Madhu Chandra. The plot revolves around the extent to which education...
The film starts in a village in Mandya where two youngsters Venkatesha and Sathish, who have failed their pre-degree courses seven times, create...
Uttara and Chitra fall in love and get married but within three months, she decides to divorce him citing that he is impotent. Uttara's father,...
Chemistry of Kariyappa
After being overwhelmed by the cheaters who cheat common people day-to-day, Rangayana Raghu { Harishchandra}, decides to write a book in an attempt...
A down-on-his-luck college student dreams of living a lavish life but is restricted by his family restrictions which leads him to make some bad...
Demo Piece
Auto driver Shankar finds a dog in his vehicle and begins to form a strong emotional bond that becomes the talk of his town and makes his wife...
Naanu Matthu Gunda
Ullas is a scamster living in a small town, who'd do anything for good money. A confusion leads him to get married to a rich NRI girl, who has an...
Adhyaksha In America
Ganga is a city cab driver & Dhanu is an aspiring actor who wants to make a big name in film industry Both of these characters need money at any cost...
Mooru Kaasina Kudure