Lee is an aunt whose life mission is to protect her orphaned nieces, Imogen and Maeve, from a self-destructing world, raising them in isolation until...
Iris has had a long, complex friendship with Walter. Walter is an irresistible charmer, a brilliant author, a lover of many women, and a master at...
The Friend
In the dead of winter a hopelessly depressed teenage runaway finds himself in a Quebecois ski resort amidst remodeling.
Nowhere I'd Rather Be
A group of privileged teenagers, along with one less-fortunate peer, accidentally cause a death and attempt to cover it up. A year later, they find...
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Follows Andy Logan, a young biker grappling with his father’s troubled legacy along with his escalating debts to a local gangster. As he races...
Born to Lose