Jack and Dora, abandoned by their parents as babies, are desperate to find each other after years of adoption. Jack's young life has been spent with...
Jack Be Nimble
Catherine is taken to dine at "Eau de la vie" an opulent cafe known for its unusual entertainment. Her business associates Grant and Sarah intend to...
Eau de la vie
Sam is a sound technician, who must literally walk in the footsteps of the characters on the screen. A "film within a film" that connects the world...
The Footstep Man
In an inner city loft Belinda(Smuts-Kennedy) lives her dream of being a writer. Across the street is Suzanne (Rutter), a painter who has the success...
This Is Not a Love Story
Witness a dinner party with a diabolical main course - obsession is put to the limit when a scorned and demonic woman traps the man of her dreams,...
Dark Stories: Tales from Beyond the Grave
Based on the autobiographical work of New Zealand writer Janet Frame, this production depicts the author at various stage of her life. Afflicted with...
An Angel at My Table
Dramatisation of the sinking of the Greenpeace ship 'The Rainbow Warrior' by French agents in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1985.
The Rainbow Warrior Conspiracy