Isabella is the ambitious new owner of her family’s Oregon winery whose dream of becoming world-renowned takes a big step forward when she...
Paris, Wine & Romance
The story of two adolescents, Moni and Zhozho, who meet 17-year-old Zheni in 1943 and with whom both fell in love. The events that follow unfold...
Bulgarian Rhapsody
Victor Perez was a Jewish boxer who became world flyweight champion in 1931 and 1932, but was transported to Auschwitz concentration camp when Paris...
Victor Young Perez
This is the extraordinary true story of Trudy Ederle, the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel. Through the steadfast support of her...
Young Woman and the Sea
A former US Operative, who lived in Russia in his earlier years and had been married there with a child, comes out of retirement to face down a...