Karma tells the story of a group of three childhood friends: Koffi, Chris, and Ahmess. While building his career as a rapper, Ahmess decides, on the...
Franky and Krimo dream of leaving the grey grime of their neighborhood behind and of traveling to the famous and diabolical Thai beach resort of...
Good Guys Go to Heaven, Bad Guys Go to Pattaya
A team of former robbers arrived at Paradise: Phuket, southern Thailand. Now traders, they are happy days. Until the day when the devil arrives:...
Paradise Beach
Internet humor star Thomas the Lama gets out of hand in a video. He becomes the target of all haters and his life falls apart. To win back his...
Carried by major figures like Dee Nasty, Assassin, IAM, and NTM, French rap has built a strong identity and inspired generations of fans. After its...
La Story du rap français : 30 Ans de succès