A lyrical story of lost childhood, against the powerful backdrop of child slavery and human trafficking. It is a heart-rending but inspiring story of...
Enemmy follows daredevil CID officers against an underworld don. Four under cover cops Eklavya (Sunil Shetty), Naeem (Kay Kay Menon), Madhav...
A famous novelist Rajveer who gets lost between fiction and reality.
Fire of Love: RED
A celebrated cop is forced to commit crimes before a suicide bomber blows up a school. As he races against time, the idyllic town around him descends...
Collar Bomb
In 1991, the Government of India opened up the economy and unleashed the forces of globalization, forever changing the landscape of the country. A...
Shrishti (Sapna Chaudhary), Ranvir (Vikrant Anand), Gaurav (Zuber Kamal Khan) and Avni (Anju) belong to different strata of society, but their hearts...
Dosti Ke Side Effects