This darkly comedic drama follows the erotic exploits of Jonathan Barrows, a narcissistic college professor whose sexual fascination with his own...
Watch Out
Various lives intersect in and around a West Hollywood motel in this kaleidoscopic comedy about sex, love, and the meaning of life.
West Hollywood Motel
A seriocomic feature about a playwright who feeds off his stubborn attraction to the wrong type of guy. When he attracts the attention of a newspaper...
To a Tee
A struggling actress finds herself in the middle of a real-life spy movie when her younger brother shows up after being chased by a mysterious...
The Far Flung Star
Third entry in the documentary series about true independent filmmaking from Steve Balderson, based out of Wamego, KS.
Wamego: Ultimatum
Attractive and sexy 1960's era suburban housewives, all dressed in mid-century modern pitch-perfect styles, are hell bent on one-upping each other as...
The Casserole Club
An un-wed father struggles and fights the system to see his child. Based on a true story.
A Father's Rights
About four American college grads who take their first trip overseas and get caught in an international crime ring. It's an action-packed thrill ride...
Culture Shock
Beautiful young Daisy feels stuck working as a shopgirl by day and caring for her ailing mother by night. A suicide gone wrong leaves Daisy wrongly...