Fisher, an ex-detective, decides to take one final case when a mysterious serial killer claims the lives of several young girls. Fisher, unable to...
The Element of Crime
A show with the ambition of being controversial and cheeky. A mild leftist show including interrogations of the guests. The program also contained a...
Kafé Korrekt
"Assisted Living", by Nikanor Teratologen, originally released in Sweden 1992 as "Äldreomsorgen i Övre Kågedalen" immediately caused...
Teratologens återkomst
The writer Stig Larsson's feature film debut. A different film which moves around various acting styles - various reality levels. The writer Stig...
A container with stuff from a cleaned out apartment in Stockholm drives the cineaste to look for their owners. In the course of this quest, he meets...
A gripping portrait of the dramatic, extravagant and ego-centric actor Ernst-Hugo Järegård (1928-1998) who would always be at the center...