Shashi, an urbane doctor, returns to his native village, a place seemingly mired in a backward way of life, for a short visit. As he becomes closely...
The Puppet’s Tale
It focuses on the tradition of a musical family and how foreign intrusion creates disturbance in it. “A musician not only goes through music...
The almost crumbling Rajbari of Ballabhpur only has two men living — the last descendant of Ray dynasty, Bhupati Ray, and his inherited menial,...
Ballabhpurer Roopkotha
The movie is based on the Partition of Bengal.
Kalantor-Bongobhongor Biplobi Jug
A rusticated boy in his adolescence comes to stay with his mother in North Kolkata and encounters some new experiences during his stay. The time-line...
Open Tee Bioscope
On a family visit, a young man and his girlfriend set out to discover why his eccentric uncle has been mysteriously confined to one room for years.
Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay's famous tale of 3 generations of women & their changing position in society,seen in relation to a box of jewels, handed down...
Goynar Baksho
Tiki-Taka is a ZEE5 Original sports comedy movie starring Parambrata Chattopadhyay, Emona Enabulu, and Ritabhari Chakraborty. The movie revolves...
Tiki Taka