The film is a narrative starting from the story of Pierre and Syl, a couple that experiences the conflict between possession and freedom in a...
Atlantic Garden
Paulete, the star of a daring theater group, is visited by his military brother-in-law, the young Fininha. A torrid relationship arises between the...
Rita is kicked out of her home as a teenager and becomes a prostitute when she is older. Now, she is dealing with an unwanted pregnancy and, at the...
In six decades, Teatro Oficina has done more than revolutionize theatrical language in the country: the aesthetic influence of José Celso...
Desire Machine: 60 Years of Teatro Oficina
After being released from a juvenile detention center, Wellington finds himself alone and adrift on the streets of São Paulo, without any...
Pobres Diabos No Paraíso
Lucia, pregnant with her first child, prepares herself to be a single mother
On Board
Horacio, an old smuggler hiding from the law, lives in a surreal, baroque apartment with Petulia, his daughter, and Milton, his favorite thug. While...
Boca de Ouro
From 2000 to 2007, Teat(r)o Oficina Uzyna Uzona worked on the staging of Euclides da Cunha's epic book, Os Sertões, which describes the 19th...
Os Sertões - A Terra
Theo is living the good life in an upscale Brazilian neighborhood. He’s a hardworking doctor, husband, and father. However, Theo has chosen his...
Father’s Chair
In an old, dilapidated mansion in downtown São Paulo, an old Shakespearean actor exiled from the stage lives with his ghosts. In his bed,...
Deuses da Peste