In the heart of Dhaka, a chilling murder rocks Milon's apartment, leaving his wife Jaya unconscious and the prime suspect. As police unravel a web of...
A rural couple face problems in their relationship when the man's demeanour changes and he gets involved in criminal activity.
A film by Bandhan Biswas.
Laal Shari
The plot of the film revolves around a love triangle among Milon, Bubly and Roshan. While Milon pursues Bubly in the movie, she loves Roshan, and the...
Maya - The Love
The story of the movie is centered around 100 crores of black money. All the characters are looking for this money. You have to come to the cinema...
Black Money
A child grows up with a family. When he grows up, he finds out that he is transgender. Then he dreams that he too will grow up one day. Slowly make...