A story inspired by the original RAMAYANA, retold in a futuristic universe, involving brave warriors who possess ancient powers from another...
Mantra Warrior: The Legend of The Eight Moons
Pojamarn, a fair lady, moves from her village to study in Bangkok to satisfy her father's antemortem wish. She lives with her aunt, Mom Ampara, in a...
Pojaman The Legacy
The war between the armies of Nram and the emperor Ravana That fought each other for a long time, endlessIn another universe, during which battle...
Mantra Warrior: The Bridge to Lanka
Taew and friends are invited to a mansion which the mansion owner is choosing the new landlord. To win the mansion award, they have to dress up in...
Oh My Ghost 6
Him, Dean, Chopper, and Kane, four best friends meet again at the funeral of Dean's mother. They volunteer to stay with Dean, who is left alone at...
Scenario proudly presents the musical “Mae Nak Phra Khanong The Musical,” starring Nat-Myria as “Mae Nak,” who first meets...
Mae Nak Phra Khanong The Musical