A military explorer meets and befriends a Goldi man in Russia’s unmapped forests. A deep and abiding bond evolves between the two men, one...
Dersu Uzala
In this fantasy with dragons and flying machines, 10-year-old Marta is determined to find her brother who was kidnapped at Christmastime by a fake...
The Story of the Voyages
“Pippi Longstocking” is a Soviet two-part musical children’s television film based on the story “Pippi Longstocking”...
Pippi Longstocking
The film consists of two short stories: "Monument" and "Love for Neighbor".
Love For Your Neighbor
A middle-aged magician Pyotr Tarasov vegetates in the circus, receiving a meager salary. But he is a magician, he has a professional family secret:...
Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..
Somewhere deep, deep in Russia there is a town called Marks (named after Karl Marks, founder of Communism theory) where all people are working on toy...
A few kids are kidnapped and transferred to the Magic Kingdom where they must fight the monsters and evil sorcerers.
Flight to the Monster Country
The story of an eccentric but dedicated clown named Vovchik and an ordinary woman named Gali, who accidentally joined the circus and stayed there as...
Make the Clown Laugh