After returning from a concentration camp, Susanne finds an ex-soldier living in her apartment. Together the two try to move past their experiences...
The Murderers Are Among Us
In the winter of 1943, against the background of battle scenes, a young German Lieutenant who increasingly distrusts the inhuman Nazi ideology...
Stalingrad: Dogs, Do You Want to Live Forever?
German TV-movie that includes poems by Nelly Sachs.
Young Olga Ahrendt almost succeeded in attempting suicide. She had thrown herself in front of a tram out of desperation about her miserable life, a...
The Life of Surgeon Sauerbruch
Und wieder 48
A Nordic fishermen's village surrounded by the raging sea. This is were fisherman Haldor (Wilhelm Borchert) is living. His marriage with the proud...
You Can No Longer Remain Silent
Barbara is married to Georg Bertram, a professor of medicine who once saved her father's life. Things go awry for the couple when she gives birth to...
Master Over Life and Death
Wenn du noch eine Heimat hast
This Nazi propaganda film follows the exploits of a German submarine as it prowls the North Atlantic.
U-Boat, Course West!
When they start losing family members and neighbors due to WWII and the Nazi government's policies, a quiet married couple becomes disillusioned and...
Everyone Dies Alone
Die Schatzgräbergeschichte
Nun singen sie wieder
French docu-drama which chronicles the chain of events that lead to the hanging of German-journalist Richard Sorge, who was executed in 1944 after he...
Who Are You, Mr. Sorge?
Das Feuerzeichen
Willkommen in Altamont
Der ewige Klang
A man's life breaks down in pursuit of material success.
Schicksal aus zweiter Hand
Die von der Sanitätskolonne