Between the unexpected death of her closest friend in Paris and a shattered, sibylline Ottoman painting in Istanbul; a young fine art conservator...
A documentary film crew follows İskender, who was proclaimed as the chosen one according to a prophecy by Nostradamus. İskender attemps to...
Übermensch Prophecy: The Legend of Greater Iskender
Nisantasi is a classy Istanbul residential district. Its inhabitants may be rich and beautiful but they are not necessarily happy. This is the case...
Onur is sacked from his job as manager of a pharmaceutical company. He’s not too bothered about being unemployed, but the same cannot be said...
La Belle Indifference
Fatih and Kumru, a lawyer from different cities, team up for a case involving a cheating spouse. They spend 8 hours racing around Izmir gathering...
Love in 39 Degrees