Drama written by Su Shuyangin in 1978. The feature film adaptation was produced by Beijing Film Studio in 1980. Fang Lingxuan, a veteran Chinese...
Song of Loyalty
Tan Si Tong
On May 18 of a certain year in the future, a nuclear power plant in a certain country will be sabotaged by terrorists, causing a serious nuclear...
Warriors Of China
Winner of the Golden Rooster for Best Film in 1992
Decisive Engagement: The PingJin Campaign
Mr. Deng, a distressed officer of Northeast army, comes to Shanghai to look for his trafficked wife. And he kills all bad guys after his wife's...
Revenge in the Great World
Two Dowagers
Dragon Beard Ditch
An old teahouse in Beijing serves as the stage for a drama that unfolds over several tumultuous decades of modern Chinese history, from the waning...
The exploits of General Feng, who defeated the Zhili faction and evicted Pu Yi from the Forbidden City.
The Great Battle of Zhifeng
An biography of Zhou Enlai through the Cultural Revolution.
Zhou Enlai